Become a Certified Health Coach

Let me ask you…

Are you passionate about health and helping others?

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to be a
Certified Health Coach?

You could help the people you love to:

  • Transform their health
  • Reduce medications
  • Lose weight
  • Have more energy
  • Look and feel better
    …and live longer!


In addition… you can make a GREAT income! If you have ever thought about this, I have AWESOME news for you today!

What if you could become a Certified Health Coach, and instead of paying $5,000 you could pay just $500? YES! It’s TRUE!

Now you can have the same certification that I have. This is exactly what I am using successfully with clients today.

You see, many people pay upwards of $7,000 or more to attend large nutrition schools or online venues. You learn about every theory out there but will these theories help you, your family and your clients?

Many years ago, a friend shared with me that her sister had amazing success with Crohn’s disease by using Jordan Rubin’s book, The Maker’s Diet. For some reason, I never forgot that.  Additionally, while on an Autism/Asperger site that I respect, the authors recommended and raved about certain awesome products.  So when I saw that Jordan had a Biblical Health Coaching Certification program online,  I knew I wanted to be certified through his program!  I went through the 40-hour online course, and got my certification in just a few weeks!  You can too!   Ask me how.

This is what I am offering you today… you can get YOUR Health Coaching Certification by Jordan Rubin in as little as two weeks. (Okay, you WILL need to hunker down and read through the course.)

You can pay $5000 to become a Certified Health Coach and learn several dietary theories… or you can become a Certified Health Coach through Jordan Rubin for $500 and learn nutrition God’s way!

Jordan has a wonderful track record, owns several businesses including Beyond Organic and today has joined forces with Dr. Josh Axe to promote whole-body healing through natural foods and supplements.

And here’s even MORE good news…

What if I told you that in addition to getting your health coaching certification, you would also have your own health and wellness business all set up for you and ready to go? Yes… it’s true!

And if that weren’t enough…

What if this also came with $500 worth of the finest products available to transform your health today?

IT’S ALL TRUE!  ALL of this is available to you right now ~ it’s yours for the taking.

If you have ever dreamed of becoming a health coach or having your own business, you can literally re-design your life and never have to be at someone’s mercy worrying about finances again. My team will show you how! With your health coaching certification and business, you can:

…. Be healthy, feel great, look younger and live longer…
…. Work less, make more and have time to enjoy your life…
…. Help the people you love do the same…. it’s SO easy!
…. Be part of a winning team that cares about your success…
…. Be part of something bigger and make a huge difference in the world.

WAIT!  You already have your own business?  Is this YOU?  Perhaps you already have

  • a massage therapy business,
  • a salon,
  • a fitness studio,
  • an essential oil business or
  • a health-oriented direct sales business

and would like an additional credential.  This couldn’t be easier and more economical.  You do not have to utilize the business opportunity unless you wish to do so.

The time to do this is NOW.  ALL of this can be yours for a one-time fee of $501.  Even if you don’t want to open a practice as a health coach, you can still become a nutrition expert and use this information for yourself and those you love.

You can get started right now… today!  Complete a short sign-up and you’ll be part of my team.  Please note:  This incredible certification program is an EXCLUSIVE to my Youngevity team.  Yup, other Youngevity teams do not have this course to offer.  So, don’t go to the website and sign up.  Give me a call and I’ll answer your questions and get the ball rolling for you.

I am so excited for you and I look forward to helping you get started on this new journey!! It’s going to be AMAZING!!!

Contact me personally at the contact tab below right. Leave a detailed message and your phone number and I will return your call as quickly as possible.  I will also send you a link with more information about the health coaching program and potential.

Great blessings to you,
Kathy McDaniel

Kathy Young Living Squ.Final

Kathy McDaniel
Certified Health Coach
Certified Elementary Teacher and