Motivational Videos/Audios

How to Fail Miserably in this Biz and Still Make Diamond

YL Fast Track Call Archive Password ylfast

Jim Rohn: Your First Year in Network Marketing

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The Best Business Opportunity by Teri Secrest

April Pointer: Time Secrets Audio

Awakening the Entrepreneur Within – Part 1 – Teri Secrest

Awakening the Entrepreneur Within – Part 2 – Teri Secrest

Part-time Efficency

  1. Do Team Meeting Calls, YL Calls, and Motivational Calls in the Car
  2.  Do personal development alone without kids   You are becoming more attractive and your family and contacts will be attracted.  When with them, give them all of you.
  3. Control your time and don’t let time control you.  We are in this business for time freedom.  Respect your time.  Don’t start the day with your phone.  Fill your cup first.  Start the day with gratefulness, the Lord.
  4. Schedule everything.  You will find more time this way.  We only have today.  Not yesterday or tomorrow.  Anything important to your success should be scheduled.
  5. To do list.  Get the important things on the calendar.  Set aside little bit of money done. Maybe you want to schedule make and takes, 201, travel, language, serve in a ministry, paying of a debt, getting counseling.  Take the first step and put it on your schedule.   Managers of their homes.  Dani Johnson’s time secrets.  Create time blocks for yourself.  Be very guarded with yourself.  Can’t answer every call.  What do you want?  Then schedule it.   Can’t run around chasing after what get’s thrown at me everyday.  Schedule family game night, free time (I have an appointment), play games with kids.  Live my life on purpose.
  6. Take notice of distractions.  Social media notifications…turn them off.  Stay on task.  The internet can be a major time suck.
  7. Jim Rohn – Work while you work.  Kick out the squirrels and knock it out.   Focus on your income producing calls.
  8. Make sacrifices and not mistakes.   Make a sacrifice for the business; investment.  Being constantly distracted by someone’s phone call during dinner or talk time.  Be present with your children, and be present with your business.
  9. Put your phone down.  Your phone is not better than a human being.   Iphone is a cool tool, but not a handcuff.  Our business is all about relationships.  Schedule your time with your phone.
  10. Have routine and rituals.  Bedtime routine, with dinner, etc.  Special moments are here.
  11. You don’t have to give up three to four years to gain your business.  There are seasons of hustle, sowing, reaping, but not all or nothing.  Teach people to work the business efficiently part-time, get them paid.  BAD NEWS: time flies  GOOD NEWS: I’m the pilot